Be well-versed.

Built by Blue Sound Construction, designed by MaKe Design, photos by Alex Hayden

Remodelers Directory

You have a dream. A vision of what your home should be.

And you now have access to remodelers in your city who can make it happen. Whether you're planning a remodeling project, getting started on one, or looking for expert advice, we have the remodelers who can turn your dream into a reality.


Looking for a builder or a specialty subcontractor? Search our full member directory.

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Seattle Times Homework

Our weekly Seattle Times column featuring fresh ideas, weekend DIY projects, and expert advice on all things home. Look forward to HomeWork every month.

  • Top Five Components of a Smart Home

    Posted on Aug 20, 2020 in:
    • Remodel
    • Build
    • Seattle Times HomeWork
    • Homeowners
    When shopping for a smart home system, make sure it includes all these state-of-the-art features.
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  • Improve the Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

    Posted on Aug 13, 2020 in:
    • Seattle Times HomeWork
    • Maintain
    • Homeowners
    Performing routine maintenance to your home’s HVAC system, in addition to utilizing air purifying accessories, will help keep the air in your home safe for all.
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  • Six Key Reasons to Have Fiber Cement Siding Pre-Painted

    Posted on Aug 6, 2020 in:
    • Build
    • Maintain
    • Seattle Times HomeWork
    • Remodel
    • Homeowners
    A product finished in a controlled factory setting delivers unrivaled results. On-site applications risk shortcomings, even when done during perfect painting weather. Which, of course, is a luxury we rarely experience in Seattle.
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Member Submissions 

Articles are consumer-based and run 500–600 words, with content focused on novice to intermediate projects and ideas for area homeowners. There is no fee to be featured—this is a member benefit and a fantastic way to spotlight your business. Each contributing member will receive a byline that includes their company name and link to their website.

To be featured:

  1. Claim your date! Contact our marketing team at
  2. Come up with a good topic.
  3. Write the article and submit it and any relevant photos to our marketing team by the deadline.

Check out the submissions above for some inspiration!